Source code for pypbr.material


This module defines the `MaterialBase` class and its subclasses, which encapsulate various texture maps
used in Physically Based Rendering (PBR). It provides functionalities to manipulate
and convert these texture maps for rendering purposes.

    `MaterialBase`: Base class representing a PBR material.

    `BasecolorMetallicMaterial`: Represents a PBR material using basecolor and metallic maps.

    `DiffuseSpecularMaterial`: Represents a PBR material using diffuse and specular maps.

import math
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from PIL import Image
from torchvision.transforms import functional as TF

from .utils import (

[docs] class MaterialBase: """ Base Class for PBR Materials. This class provides common functionality for PBR materials, allowing for dynamic addition of texture maps and common operations such as resizing, cropping, and transforming texture maps. Attributes: albedo (torch.FloatTensor): The albedo map tensor. normal (torch.FloatTensor): The normal map tensor. roughness (torch.FloatTensor): The roughness map tensor. """
[docs] def __init__( self, albedo: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, albedo_is_srgb: bool = True, normal: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, roughness: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"), **kwargs, ): """ Initialize the Material with optional texture maps. Args: albedo (Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]]): The albedo map. albedo_is_srgb (bool): Flag indicating if albedo is in sRGB space. Defaults to True. normal (Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]]): The normal map. roughness (Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]]): The roughness map. device (torch.device): The device to store the texture maps. Defaults to CPU. **kwargs: Additional texture maps. """ self.device = device self._maps = {} self.albedo_is_srgb = albedo_is_srgb # Initialize provided maps if albedo is not None: self.albedo = albedo if normal is not None: self.normal = normal if roughness is not None: self.roughness = roughness # Initialize additional maps for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, name, value)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): """ Override __setattr__ to manage texture maps dynamically. Args: name: Attribute name. value: Attribute value. """ if name in ["albedo_is_srgb", "_maps"]: super().__setattr__(name, value) elif ( isinstance(value, (Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor)) or value is None ): # Process and store texture maps in the _maps dictionary self._maps[name] = self._process_map(name, value) else: super().__setattr__(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Override __getattr__ to retrieve texture maps from the _maps dictionary. Args: name: Attribute name. Returns: The texture map tensor associated with the given name. """ if name in self._maps: return self._maps[name] else: raise AttributeError( f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'" ) def _to_tensor( self, image: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] ) -> Optional[torch.FloatTensor]: """ Convert an image to a torch tensor. Args: image: The image to convert. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The image as a tensor. Raises: TypeError: If the input image type is unsupported. """ if image is None: return None if isinstance(image, torch.FloatTensor): return elif isinstance(image, np.ndarray): return torch.from_numpy(image).float().to(self.device) elif isinstance(image, Image.Image): # Handle different image modes if image.mode in ["I", "I;16", "I;16B", "I;16L", "I;16N"]: # Convert 16-bit image to NumPy array np_image = np.array(image, dtype=np.uint16) tensor = torch.from_numpy(np_image.astype(np.float32)) tensor = tensor.unsqueeze(0) # Add channel dimension # Normalize to [0, 1] range tensor = tensor / 65535.0 return elif image.mode == "F": # 32-bit floating point image np_image = np.array(image, dtype=np.float32) tensor = torch.from_numpy(np_image) tensor = tensor.unsqueeze(0) # Add channel dimension return else: # For other modes, use torchvision transforms return TF.to_tensor(image).to(self.device) else: raise TypeError( f"Unsupported image type: {type(image)}. Supported types are PIL.Image.Image, np.ndarray, and torch.FloatTensor." ) def _process_map(self, name, value): """ Process the input value and convert it to a tensor if necessary. Args: name: Name of the texture map. value: The texture map value. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The processed texture map tensor. """ if value is None: return None tensor = self._to_tensor(value) if name == "normal": return self._process_normal_map(tensor) elif name == "albedo": return tensor else: return tensor def _process_normal_map( self, normal_map: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] ) -> Optional[torch.FloatTensor]: """ Process the normal map by computing the Z-component if necessary and normalizing. Args: normal_map: The normal map tensor. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The processed normal map. """ if normal_map is None: return None if normal_map.shape[0] == 2: # Compute the Z-component normal_map = self._compute_normal_map_z_component(normal_map) elif normal_map.shape[0] == 3: # Check if the normal map is already normalized if normal_map.min() < 0: return normal_map # Convert from [0,1] to [-1,1] normal_map = normal_map * 2.0 - 1.0 normal_map = F.normalize(normal_map, dim=0) else: raise ValueError("Normal map must have 2 or 3 channels.") return normal_map def _compute_normal_map_z_component( self, normal_xy: torch.FloatTensor ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Compute the Z-component of the normal map from the X and Y components. Args: normal_xy: A tensor containing the X and Y components of the normal map. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The normal map tensor with X, Y, and Z components. """ normal_xy = normal_xy * 2 - 1 # Scale from [0,1] to [-1,1] x = normal_xy[0:1] y = normal_xy[1:2] squared = x**2 + y**2 z = torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(1.0 - squared, min=0.0)) normal =[x, y, z], dim=0) normal = F.normalize(normal, dim=0) return # Device Management
[docs] def to(self, device: torch.device): """ Moves all tensors in the material to the specified device. Args: device (torch.device): The target device. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ self.device = device for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: self._maps[name] = return self
# Properties @property def linear_albedo(self): """ Get the albedo map in linear space. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The albedo map in linear space. """ albedo = self._maps.get("albedo", None) if albedo is not None: if self.albedo_is_srgb: return srgb_to_linear(albedo) else: return albedo else: return None @property def normal_rgb(self): """ Get the normal map in RGB space. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The normal map in RGB space. """ normal = self._maps.get("normal", None) if normal is not None: return (normal + 1.0) * 0.5 else: return None @property def size(self) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Get the size of the texture maps. Returns: Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: A tuple (height, width) representing the size of the texture maps. If multiple maps are present, returns the size of the first non-None map. Returns None if no maps are available. """ for map_value in self._maps.values(): if map_value is not None: _, height, width = map_value.shape return (height, width) return None # Transformation Methods
[docs] def resize(self, size: Union[int, Tuple[int, int]], antialias: bool = True): """ Resize all texture maps to the specified size. Args: size: The desired output size. antialias: Whether to apply antialiasing. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: self._maps[name] = TF.resize(map_value, size, antialias=antialias) return self
[docs] def crop(self, top: int, left: int, height: int, width: int): """ Crop all texture maps to the specified region. Args: top: The top pixel coordinate. left: The left pixel coordinate. height: The height of the crop. width: The width of the crop. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: self._maps[name] = TF.crop(map_value, top, left, height, width) return self
[docs] def tile(self, num_tiles: int): """ Tile all texture maps by repeating them. Args: num_tiles: Number of times to tile the textures. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: self._maps[name] = map_value.repeat(1, num_tiles, num_tiles) return self
[docs] def rotate( self, angle: float, expand: bool = False, padding_mode: str = "constant", ): """ Rotate all texture maps by a given angle. Args: angle (float): The rotation angle in degrees. expand (bool): Whether to expand the output image to hold the entire rotated image. padding_mode (str): Padding mode. Options are 'constant' or 'circular'. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ assert padding_mode in [ "constant", "circular", ], "Invalid padding mode. Must be 'constant' or 'circular'." for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: # Get the height and width of the image (Assuming map_value shape is (C, H, W)) height, width = map_value.shape[-2:] # Convert the rotation angle from degrees to radians angle_rad = math.radians(angle) # Determine the target size after rotation if expand: # When expanding, we compute the new size required to fit the rotated image new_width = math.ceil( abs(width * math.cos(angle_rad)) + abs(height * math.sin(angle_rad)) ) new_height = math.ceil( abs(width * math.sin(angle_rad)) + abs(height * math.cos(angle_rad)) ) height, width = new_height, new_width # Compute symmetric padding amounts padded_size = math.ceil(math.sqrt(height**2 + width**2)) pad_size = padded_size - height # Pad the image map_value = F.pad( map_value, (pad_size, pad_size, pad_size, pad_size), padding_mode ) # Rotate the padded image rotated_map = TF.rotate(map_value, angle, expand=True) # Crop the rotated image to the target size rotated_map = TF.center_crop(rotated_map, (height, width)).contiguous() if name == "normal": # Rotate the normal vectors rotated_map = rotate_normals(rotated_map, angle) self._maps[name] = rotated_map return self
[docs] def flip_horizontal(self): """Flip all texture maps horizontally. When flipping normal maps, the X component is inverted. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: # Flip the map horizontally flipped_map = map_value.flip(-1) # Flip along the width dimension if name == "normal": # Invert the X component of the normal map flipped_map = flipped_map.clone() flipped_map[0] = -flipped_map[0] self._maps[name] = flipped_map return self
[docs] def flip_vertical(self): """Flip all texture maps vertically. When flipping the normal map, the Y component is inverted. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: # Flip the map vertically flipped_map = map_value.flip(-2) # Flip along the height dimension if name == "normal": # Invert the Y component of the normal map flipped_map = flipped_map.clone() flipped_map[1] = -flipped_map[1] self._maps[name] = flipped_map return self
[docs] def roll(self, shift: Tuple[int, int]): """ Roll all texture maps along the specified shift dimensions. Args: shift: The shift values for each dimension. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: rolled_map = F.roll(map_value, shift, dims=(1, 2)) self._maps[name] = rolled_map return self
[docs] def apply_transform(self, transform): """ Apply a transformation to all texture maps. Args: transform: A function that takes a tensor and returns a tensor. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: self._maps[name] = transform(map_value) return self
# Normal Map Operations
[docs] def invert_normal(self): """ Invert the Y component of the normal map. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ normal = self._maps.get("normal", None) self._maps["normal"] = invert_normal(normal) return self
[docs] def adjust_normal_strength(self, strength_factor: float): """Adjust the strength of the normal map. Args: strength_factor (float): The factor to adjust the strength of the normal map. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ if self.normal is not None: # Ensure the normal map is in [-1, 1] normal = self.normal # Adjust the X and Y components normal[:2] *= strength_factor # Re-normalize the normal vector normal = F.normalize(normal, dim=0) self._maps["normal"] = normal return self
[docs] def compute_normal_from_height(self, scale: float = 1.0): """ Compute the normal map from the height map. Args: scale (float): The scaling factor for the height map gradients. Controls the strength of the normals. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ height_map = self._maps.get("height", None) # Compute the normal map from the height map normal_map = compute_normal_from_height(height_map, scale) # Store the normal map self._maps["normal"] = normal_map return self
[docs] def compute_height_from_normal(self, scale: float = 1.0): """ Compute the height map from the normal map using Poisson reconstruction. Args: scale (float): Scaling factor for the gradients. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ normal_map = self._maps.get("normal", None) # Compute the height map from the normal map height_map = compute_height_from_normal(normal_map, scale) # Store the height map self._maps["height"] = height_map return self
# Color Space Conversion
[docs] def to_linear(self): """ Convert the albedo map to linear space if it's in sRGB. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ albedo = self._maps.get("albedo", None) if albedo is not None and self.albedo_is_srgb: self._maps["albedo"] = srgb_to_linear(albedo) self.albedo_is_srgb = False return self
[docs] def to_srgb(self): """ Convert the albedo map to sRGB space if it's in linear space. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ albedo = self._maps.get("albedo", None) if albedo is not None and not self.albedo_is_srgb: self._maps["albedo"] = linear_to_srgb(albedo) self.albedo_is_srgb = True return self
# Conversion Methods
[docs] def to_numpy(self): """ Convert all texture maps to NumPy arrays. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing NumPy arrays of the texture maps. """ maps = {} for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): maps[name] = map_value.cpu().numpy() if map_value is not None else None return maps
[docs] def to_pil( self, maps_mode: Dict[str, str] = None, ): """ Convert all texture maps to PIL Images. Args: maps_mode (Dict[str, str]): Optional dictionary specifying modes for each map type. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing PIL Images of the texture maps. """ # Default maps_mode if not provided if maps_mode is None: maps_mode = {} maps = {} for name, map_value in self._maps.items(): if map_value is not None: if name == "normal": # Scale the normal map from [-1, 1] to [0, 1] before converting to PIL map_value = (map_value + 1.0) * 0.5 # Determine the mode for this map, default to 'RGB' mode = maps_mode.get(name, "RGB") # Convert the tensor to a PIL Image map_value = map_value.cpu() if mode in ["I", "I;16", "I;16B", "I;16L", "I;16N"]: # Handle 16-bit image conversion using numpy # Convert the image to numpy array image_np = map_value.numpy() # Scale image to 16-bit image_np = (image_np * 65535).astype(np.uint16) # Create a new PIL Image from the numpy array in mode 'I;16' maps[name] = Image.fromarray(image_np, mode="I;16") else: # Determine the number of channels in the image mode = "RGB" if map_value.shape[0] == 3 else "L" # Ensure the image is in the desired mode image = TF.to_pil_image(map_value.cpu()) maps[name] = image.convert(mode) else: maps[name] = None return maps
# Utility Methods def __repr__(self): """ Return a string representation of the Material object. Returns: str: String representation of the Material. """ repr_str = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" attrs = [ f"{name}={getattr(self, name).shape if getattr(self, name) is not None else None}" for name in self._maps.keys() ] repr_str += ", ".join(attrs) repr_str += ")" return repr_str
[docs] def save_to_folder(self, folder_path: str): """ Save the material maps to a folder. Args: folder_path: The path to the folder where maps will be saved. """ from .io import save_material_to_folder save_material_to_folder(self, folder_path)
[docs] class BasecolorMetallicMaterial(MaterialBase): """ A class representing a PBR material using basecolor and metallic maps. Attributes: albedo (torch.FloatTensor): The albedo map tensor. normal (torch.FloatTensor): The normal map tensor. roughness (torch.FloatTensor): The roughness map tensor. metallic (torch.FloatTensor): The metallic map tensor. """
[docs] def __init__( self, albedo: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, albedo_is_srgb: bool = True, normal: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, roughness: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, metallic: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize the Material with optional texture maps. Args: albedo: The albedo map. albedo_is_srgb: Flag indicating if albedo is in sRGB space. normal: The normal map. roughness: The roughness map. metallic: The metallic map. **kwargs: Additional texture maps. """ super().__init__( albedo=albedo, albedo_is_srgb=albedo_is_srgb, normal=normal, roughness=roughness, **kwargs, ) if metallic is not None: self.metallic = metallic
[docs] def to_diffuse_specular_material(self, albedo_is_srgb: bool = False): """ Convert the material from basecolor-metallic workflow to diffuse-specular workflow. Args: albedo_is_srgb: Flag indicating if the albedo map should be returned in sRGB space. Returns: DiffuseSpecularMaterial: A new material instance in the diffuse-specular workflow. """ # Ensure albedo and metallic maps are available if self.albedo is None or self.metallic is None: raise ValueError( "Both albedo and metallic maps are required for conversion." ) # Convert albedo to linear space if necessary albedo = self.linear_albedo # Resize metallic map to match albedo size if necessary if self.metallic.shape[1:] != albedo.shape[1:]: metallic = TF.resize(self.metallic, albedo.shape[1:]) else: metallic = self.metallic # Ensure metallic map has the correct dimensions if metallic.dim() == 2: metallic = metallic.unsqueeze(0) # Add channel dimension # Specular dielectric color (F0 for non-metals) specular_dielectric = torch.full_like(albedo, 0.04) # 4% reflectance # Compute diffuse color diffuse = albedo * (1.0 - metallic) # Compute specular color specular = specular_dielectric * (1.0 - metallic) + albedo * metallic # Create a new DiffuseSpecularMaterial instance diffuse_specular_material = DiffuseSpecularMaterial( albedo=diffuse, specular=specular, normal=self.normal, roughness=self.roughness, albedo_is_srgb=albedo_is_srgb, # The diffuse map is in linear space ) return diffuse_specular_material
[docs] class DiffuseSpecularMaterial(MaterialBase): """ A class representing a PBR material using diffuse and specular maps. Attributes: albedo (torch.FloatTensor): The albedo map tensor. normal (torch.FloatTensor): The normal map tensor. roughness (torch.FloatTensor): The roughness map tensor. specular (torch.FloatTensor): The specular map tensor. """
[docs] def __init__( self, albedo: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, albedo_is_srgb: bool = True, normal: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, roughness: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, specular: Optional[Union[Image.Image, np.ndarray, torch.FloatTensor]] = None, specular_is_srgb: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize the Material with optional texture maps. Args: albedo: The albedo map. albedo_is_srgb: Flag indicating if albedo is in sRGB space. normal: The normal map. roughness: The roughness map. specular: The specular map. specular_is_srgb: Flag indicating if specular is in sRGB space. **kwargs: Additional texture maps. """ super().__init__( albedo=albedo, albedo_is_srgb=albedo_is_srgb, normal=normal, roughness=roughness, **kwargs, ) self.specular_is_srgb = specular_is_srgb if specular is not None: self.specular = specular
[docs] def to_basecolor_metallic_material(self, albedo_is_srgb: bool = False): """ Convert the material from diffuse-specular workflow to basecolor-metallic workflow. Args: albedo_is_srgb: Flag indicating if the albedo map should be returned in sRGB space. Returns: BasecolorMetallicMaterial: A new material instance in the basecolor-metallic workflow. """ # Ensure diffuse and specular maps are available if self.albedo is None or self.specular is None: raise ValueError( "Both albedo (diffuse) and specular maps are required for conversion." ) # Convert albedo (diffuse) to linear space if necessary diffuse = self.linear_albedo # Specular dielectric color (F0 for non-metals) specular_dielectric = 0.04 # 4% reflectance # Resize specular map to match diffuse size if necessary if self.specular.shape[1:] != diffuse.shape[1:]: specular = TF.resize(self.specular, diffuse.shape[1:], antialias=True) else: specular = self.specular # Ensure specular map has the correct dimensions if specular.dim() == 2: specular = specular.unsqueeze(0) # Add channel dimension # Calculate metallic map # Avoid division by zero by adding a small epsilon epsilon = 1e-6 numerator = specular - specular_dielectric denominator = diffuse - specular_dielectric + epsilon metallic = torch.clamp(numerator / (denominator + epsilon), 0.0, 1.0) # Handle edge cases where denominator is very small metallic = torch.where( denominator < epsilon, torch.zeros_like(metallic), metallic ) # Compute basecolor basecolor = (diffuse) / (1.0 - metallic + epsilon) # Where metallic is close to 1, use specular as basecolor metallic_threshold = 0.95 basecolor = torch.where(metallic >= metallic_threshold, specular, basecolor) # Clamp basecolor to valid range basecolor = torch.clamp(basecolor, 0.0, 1.0) # Create a new BasecolorMetallicMaterial instance basecolor_metallic_material = BasecolorMetallicMaterial( albedo=basecolor, metallic=metallic, normal=self.normal, roughness=self.roughness, albedo_is_srgb=albedo_is_srgb, # The basecolor is in linear space ) return basecolor_metallic_material
@property def linear_specular(self): """ Get the specular map in linear space. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The albedo map in linear space. """ specular = self._maps.get("specular", None) if specular is not None: if self.specular_is_srgb: return srgb_to_linear(specular) else: return specular else: return None
[docs] def to_linear(self): """ Convert the albedo and specular maps to linear space if it's in sRGB. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ super().to_linear() specular = self._maps.get("specular", None) if specular is not None and self.specular_is_srgb: self._maps["specular"] = srgb_to_linear(specular) self.specular_is_srgb = False return self
[docs] def to_srgb(self): """ Convert the albedo and specular maps to sRGB space if it's in linear space. Returns: MaterialBase: Returns self for method chaining. """ super().to_srgb() specular = self._maps.get("specular", None) if specular is not None and not self.specular_is_srgb: self._maps["specular"] = linear_to_srgb(specular) self.specular_is_srgb = True return self