Getting Started

Welcome to the Getting Started guide for PyPBR! This guide will help you set up PyPBR and start creating and manipulating Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials in no time.


To install PyPBR, use pip from your command line:

pip install pypbr

Ensure that you have Python 3.6 or higher installed, along with torch for PyTorch operations, which is a key dependency for PyPBR.

Basic Setup

To begin using PyPBR, you can import the necessary modules and create your first material. Below is a basic example of creating a material using the BasecolorMetallicMaterial class:

from pypbr.material import BasecolorMetallicMaterial
from PIL import Image

# Load albedo and metallic maps
albedo_image ="path/to/albedo.png")
normal_image ="path/to/normal.png")
roughness_image ="path/to/roughness.png")
metallic_image ="path/to/metallic.png")

# Create a basecolor-metallic material
material = BasecolorMetallicMaterial(

# Print material representation

Loading Materials

PyPBR allows you to load materials from a folder and supports different workflows and high customization. Here’s how you can load a basecolor-metallic material:

from import load_material_from_folder
import torch

# Load the material
material = load_material_from_folder("/path/to/material", preferred_workflow="metallic")

# Convert to a different workflow if needed
diffuse_specular_material = material.to_diffuse_specular_material()

Manipulating Texture Maps

PyPBR provides various utilities to manipulate texture maps. You can resize, crop, rotate, or flip these maps as required.

# Resize the texture maps to 256x256
material.resize((256, 256))

# Rotate texture maps by 45 degrees
material.rotate(45, expand=True)

# Crop the texture maps to a specific region
material.crop(0, 0, 128, 128)

Evaluating Material BRDF

To evaluate the reflection properties of a material, you can use PyPBR’s BRDF models, such as the CookTorranceBRDF. Below is an example:

from pypbr.models import CookTorranceBRDF

# Initialize the BRDF model
brdf = CookTorranceBRDF(light_type="point")

# Define the view direction, light direction, and light intensity
view_dir = torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])
light_dir = torch.tensor([0.1, 0.1, 1.0])
light_intensity = torch.tensor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
light_size = 1.0

# Evaluate the BRDF
reflected_color = brdf(material, view_dir, light_dir, light_intensity, light_size)

Blending Materials

PyPBR also includes functionalities for blending different materials using a variety of methods, such as masks, height maps, or gradients.

from pypbr.blending.functional import blend_materials
import torch

# Create two materials to blend
material1 = BasecolorMetallicMaterial(albedo=torch.rand(3, 256, 256))
material2 = BasecolorMetallicMaterial(albedo=torch.rand(3, 256, 256))

# Define a blending mask
mask = torch.rand(1, 256, 256)

# Blend the two materials using the mask
blended_material = blend_materials(material1, material2, method='mask', mask=mask)