Source code for pypbr.blending.functional


This module provides functional interfaces for blending PBR materials using various methodologies.

    blend_materials: Blend two materials together using the specified method.

    blend_with_mask: Blend two materials using a provided mask.

    blend_on_height: Blend two materials based on their height maps.

    blend_on_properties: Blend two materials based on a specified property map.
    blend_with_gradient: Blend two materials using a linear gradient mask.

from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torchvision.transforms import functional as TF

from ..material import MaterialBase

[docs] def blend_materials( material1: MaterialBase, material2: MaterialBase, method: str = "mask", **kwargs ) -> MaterialBase: """ Blend two materials together using the specified method. Args: material1 (MaterialBase): The first material. material2 (MaterialBase): The second material. method (str): The blending method to use. Options are 'mask', 'height', 'properties', 'gradient'. **kwargs: Additional arguments specific to the blending method. Returns: MaterialBase: A new material resulting from blending material1 and material2. Raises: ValueError: If an unknown blending method is specified or required parameters are missing. """ if method == "mask": mask: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = kwargs.get("mask", None) if mask is None: raise ValueError("Mask must be provided for 'mask' blending method.") return blend_with_mask(material1, material2, mask) elif method == "height": blend_width: float = kwargs.get("blend_width", 0.1) return blend_on_height(material1, material2, blend_width) elif method == "properties": property_name: str = kwargs.get("property_name", "metallic") blend_width: float = kwargs.get("blend_width", 0.1) return blend_on_properties(material1, material2, property_name, blend_width) elif method == "gradient": direction: str = kwargs.get("direction", "horizontal") return blend_with_gradient(material1, material2, direction) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown blending method: {method}")
[docs] def blend_with_mask( material1: MaterialBase, material2: MaterialBase, mask: torch.FloatTensor ) -> MaterialBase: """ Blend two materials using the provided mask. Args: material1 (MaterialBase): The first material. material2 (MaterialBase): The second material. mask (torch.FloatTensor): The blending mask tensor, with values in [0, 1], shape [1, H, W] or [H, W]. Returns: MaterialBase: A new material resulting from blending material1 and material2. """ # Create a new material to store the blended result blended_material: MaterialBase = ( material1.__class__() ) # Instantiate the same class as material1 # Ensure mask has shape [1, H, W] if mask.dim() == 2: mask = mask.unsqueeze(0) elif mask.dim() != 3 or mask.size(0) != 1: raise ValueError("Mask must have shape [1, H, W] or [H, W].") # Get the set of all map names present in either material map_names = set(material1._maps.keys()).union(material2._maps.keys()) for name in map_names: map1: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = material1._maps.get(name, None) map2: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = material2._maps.get(name, None) if map1 is None and map2 is None: blended_map: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None elif map1 is None: blended_map = map2 elif map2 is None: blended_map = map1 else: if name == "normal": # Blend normals correctly blended_map = _blend_normals(map1, map2, mask) else: # Standard blending blended_map = mask * map1 + (1 - mask) * map2 setattr(blended_material, name, blended_map) # Copy other attributes blended_material.albedo_is_srgb = material1.albedo_is_srgb blended_material.device = material1.device return blended_material, mask
def _blend_normals( normal1: torch.FloatTensor, normal2: torch.FloatTensor, mask: torch.FloatTensor ) -> torch.FloatTensor: """ Blend two normal maps using the provided mask. Args: normal1 (torch.FloatTensor): The first normal map tensor, with shape [3, H, W]. normal2 (torch.FloatTensor): The second normal map tensor, with shape [3, H, W]. mask (torch.FloatTensor): The blending mask tensor, with values in [0, 1], shape [1, H, W]. Returns: torch.FloatTensor: The blended normal map tensor. """ # Normalize normals to ensure they are unit vectors normal1_normalized: torch.FloatTensor = F.normalize(normal1, dim=0) normal2_normalized: torch.FloatTensor = F.normalize(normal2, dim=0) # Perform blending blended_normal: torch.FloatTensor = ( mask * normal1_normalized + (1 - mask) * normal2_normalized ) # Re-normalize the blended normals blended_normal_normalized: torch.FloatTensor = F.normalize(blended_normal, dim=0) return blended_normal_normalized
[docs] def blend_on_height( material1: MaterialBase, material2: MaterialBase, blend_width: float = 0.1, shift: float = 0.0, ) -> MaterialBase: """ Blend two materials based on their height maps with an optional vertical shift. Args: material1 (MaterialBase): The first material. material2 (MaterialBase): The second material. blend_width (float, optional): Controls the sharpness of the blending transition. Smaller values result in sharper transitions. Defaults to 0.1. shift (float, optional): Shifts the blending transition vertically. Positive values raise the blending height, while negative values lower it. Defaults to 0.0. Returns: MaterialBase: A new material resulting from blending material1 and material2 based on height. Raises: ValueError: If either material lacks a height map. """ height1: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = material1._maps.get("height", None) height2: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = material2._maps.get("height", None) if height1 is None or height2 is None: raise ValueError( "Both materials must have height maps for height-based blending." ) # Ensure height maps are the same size if height1.shape != height2.shape: # Resize height2 to match height1's size height2 = TF.resize(height2, height1.shape[1:], antialias=True) # Apply the shift to material1's height map height1_shifted: torch.FloatTensor = height1 + shift # Compute the blend mask based on the shifted height difference height_diff: torch.FloatTensor = height1_shifted - height2 # Apply a sigmoid function to create a smooth transition mask: torch.FloatTensor = torch.sigmoid(height_diff / (blend_width + 1e-6)) return blend_with_mask(material1, material2, mask)
[docs] def blend_on_properties( material1: MaterialBase, material2: MaterialBase, property_name: str = "metallic", blend_width: float = 0.1, ) -> MaterialBase: """ Blend two materials based on a specified property map. Args: material1 (MaterialBase): The first material. material2 (MaterialBase): The second material. property_name (str): The name of the property map to use for blending (e.g., 'metallic', 'roughness'). blend_width (float): Controls the sharpness of the blending transition. Returns: MaterialBase: A new material resulting from blending material1 and material2. Raises: ValueError: If either material lacks the specified property map. """ prop1: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = material1._maps.get(property_name, None) prop2: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = material2._maps.get(property_name, None) if prop1 is None or prop2 is None: raise ValueError( f"Both materials must have '{property_name}' maps for property-based blending." ) # Ensure property maps are the same size if prop1.shape != prop2.shape: # Resize prop2 to match prop1's size prop2 = TF.resize(prop2, prop1.shape[1:], antialias=True) # Compute the blend mask based on the property difference prop_diff: torch.FloatTensor = prop1 - prop2 # Apply a sigmoid function to create a smooth transition mask: torch.FloatTensor = torch.sigmoid(prop_diff / (blend_width + 1e-6)) return blend_with_mask(material1, material2, mask)
[docs] def blend_with_gradient( material1: MaterialBase, material2: MaterialBase, direction: str = "horizontal" ) -> MaterialBase: """ Blend two materials using a linear gradient mask. Args: material1 (MaterialBase): The first material. material2 (MaterialBase): The second material. direction (str): The direction of the gradient ('horizontal' or 'vertical'). Returns: MaterialBase: A new material resulting from blending material1 and material2. Raises: ValueError: If an invalid direction is specified or material size cannot be determined. """ # Get the size of the materials size: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = material1.size if size is None: raise ValueError("Materials must have at least one map to determine size.") H, W = size device = material1.device if direction == "horizontal": gradient: torch.FloatTensor = ( torch.linspace(0, 1, steps=W, device=device) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) .repeat(1, H, 1) ) elif direction == "vertical": gradient = ( torch.linspace(0, 1, steps=H, device=device) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(2) .repeat(1, 1, W) ) else: raise ValueError("Direction must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.") mask: torch.FloatTensor = gradient return blend_with_mask(material1, material2, mask)